Featured image: in Kyrgyz, “Бары алдыда” translates to ‘Everything is ahead‘ A few weeks have passed since I came home from a two month residency in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, but I am just starting to digest all the experiences that I had the chance to collect. This was my first visit to Central Asia and my already high expectations for the food, the nature and – not the least – the people I would meet, were far surpassed. I made new friends, overate on borsok, climbed mountains, and gained invaluable new perspectives from Novi Ritm, the civil society organization that...
[English] Youth-led change in Southern Kyrgyzstan: promoting gender equality, human rights, and media literacy with our local partner Novi Ritm
CAG and Novi Ritm, our partner organization based in Southern Kyrgyzstan, have been working together for several years to empower the local youth, particularly girls and women, by increasing their awareness of their rights and promoting their participation in decision-making processes at the national and community level. You can read more about our current format and objectives of cooperation with Novi Ritm via this link. In this blog post, we would like to highlight some recent activities undertaken by Novi Ritm within the framework of our partnership. These include activities promoting ideas of intersectional feminism, human rights, media...
[English] CAG 10 years’ blog post series: Partners and projects throughout the years
Central Asia Solidarity Groups is turning 10 years old this year! To celebrate it, we take a look in the rearview mirror. Below we get an overview of partners and projects since 2012 – the year when CAG officially became a registered organization. Back in 2012, CAG worked mostly with democratic youth activism and conflict transformation. A few years later, several new thematic areas had been developed – gender equality, LGBTQ and culture. In 2019, the thematic program area culture ceased to be a one of CAG’s main thematic areas. Instead, climate and environment became a thematic area, and...
Genus, våld och vardag i Kirgizistan: Uppdateringar från Sara, CAG:s praktikant i Kirgizistan.
Nu har det gått några månader sedan sist jag skrev och här i Osj har det hunnit bli vinterkallt. På Lenintorget har man för någon vecka sedan börjat bygga upp den årliga, mastodonta järngranen — precis mellan Stor-Lenin och den enorma, fladdrande, kirgiziska flaggan. Mysigt? Inte speciellt. Men effektfullt! När jag nu tittar tillbaka på vår tid som praktikanter här på Novi Ritm, så är det i synnerhet mötena med alla ungdomar som jag väger i karat. Att vi har fått möjligheten att prata med unga kvinnor och flickor från olika bakgrund och olika livshistorier har varit ögonöppnande och...
[English] Promoting gender equality and equal access to education in Kyrgyzstan with our local partner Novi Ritm
For several years, Centralasiengrupperna has closely cooperated with our partner organization Novi Ritm in Southern Kyrgyzstan to promote active and meaningful participation of young people in the civil society sector. CAG has supported Novi Ritm in the implementation of activities that aim to increase the capacities of young people to influence their own lives and the lives of the communities they come from. One of the goals of the running project with Novi Ritm is to create equal education opportunities for young people and to inform local youth about their civil rights. This blogpost is dedicated to the most...
Stepping stones towards Youth Participation – implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 in Central Asia [explainer clip]
There are numerous factors affecting peace and security in Central Asia. Arbitrary borders drawn during the Soviet era have resulted in natural resources, such as water, being disproportionately split between the Central Asian countries. Such a division has given rise to several cases of conflicts and political tension in the area. The region’s countries have since their independence in 1991 found themselves in national political turmoil on various occasions, as well as international influence from Russia and China affecting the ways the different countries are run. This volatile environment means young people in Central Asia are currently facing...
Role Play Game: LGBTQ, climate and mental health in Central Asia
Central Asia Solidarity Groups have launched a new digital role-play game on human rights issues in Central Asia. The plot of this interactive game is built around storylines and different case studies which present players with background information about the topic. There are four storylines representing particular groups and their struggles: LGBTQ+ person from rural area Female eco-activists Non-binary persons Persons with mental illnesses Through the game the participants put themselves in the shoes of an assigned character and make decisions based on the given options and context, once they reach the final destination they will be provided with...
[English] Youth Workers from Sweden and Poland visit Kyrgyzstan
“Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – once Margaret Mead said. Such a meaningful statement, isn’t it? We believe that changes come through people; open discussions about challenging issues, exchanging ideas on making the world a better place for each and every one of us. Central Asia Solidarity Groups, (Sweden) together with its partner organizations Novi Ritm (Kyrgyzstan) and KobieTY (Poland) organized mobility of youth workers that involved more than 20 participants in Kyrgyzstan in January this year. The purpose of the mobility...
[English] Positive changes through social coffee shop in Osh
“Social coffee shop brings positive social changes among the youth of Osh” Our dear friends, We are here today to share some updates from our partner organization in Osh, Kyrgyzstan – Novi Ritm. Lately, Novi Ritm has been expanding and building opportunities for youth of the country to speak up about the challenges in the society of Kyrgyzstan. And today we are going to talk about a specific core area of the organization – social entrepreneurship. It is a new working area for Novi Ritm, but they already created the first social coffee shop in Osh! This blogpost will...
Encouraging youth’s civic activism related to human rights in villages and smaller cities in Southern Kyrgyzstan
This summer, Central Asia Solidarity Group’s main partner organization Novi Ritm organized not one but two subsequent Human Rights Camp in Osh, Kyrgyzstan! Novi Ritm is a youth organization run by youth for youth, working with informal education about human rights, gender equality and conflict prevention, most of the time using peer-to-peer methods. The camps were held within the framework of a common project Novi Ritm and Central Asia Solidarity Groups has for 2018-2019. It aims at increasing the knowledge and awareness about human rights among youth in Southern Kyrgyzstan on both a social and legislative level, and strengthening...