
(English) Vernacular design in Central Asia – A showcase of handmade objects from Kyrgyzstan

A man tends to his shop of babies’ cradles at Osh Bazaar, Kyrgyzstan Note to readers: this post was originally published on the author’s Medium account. Check this link to read it from the original source. Central Asia is regarded as a region of excellence when it comes to the production of artifacts such as carpets, textiles and felt. This traditions have been deeply explored and rightfully celebrated, however very little can be found on the design of everyday things in the region. The Southern part of Kyrgyzstan, a rather small country of 5 million, is especially interesting because...

Centralasiengrupperna söker internationell samordnare inom genus/kvinnors rättigheter

  Centralasiengrupperna (CAG) är en ideell organisation som är baserad i Malmö. Vi verkar huvudsakligen i postsovjetiska Centralasien inom tematiska områden som mänskliga rättigheter, konflikthantering, ungdomsfrågor, genus/HBTQ och kultur, i nära samarbete med centralasiatiska gräsrötter och aktivister. Vi har även vissa projekt och satsningar i Sverige. Nu söker vi en internationell samordnare för våra satsningar inom områdena genus och kvinnors/flickors rättigheter. Arbetsuppgifter Som internationell samordnare kommer du att: Arbeta med metod- och organisationsutveckling med våra partners i södra Kirgizistan. Hålla utbildningar inom satsningens tematiska områden. Samordna vårt nätverk av kvinnorättsorganisationer i regionen och stötta Centralasiengruppernas solidaritetsarbete med dessa aktörer....

Intervju med Gustaf Sörnmo

Centralasiengrupperna var nyligen veckans organisation på Globalportalen. I samband med det intervjuades ordförande Gustaf Sörnmo – läs hela intervjun här: http://globalportalen.org/artiklar/nyhet/veckans-organisation-centralasiengrupperna...

Non-violence training in Osh

In June Centralasiengrupperna visited Novi Ritm in Osh for a week and hosted a training in non-violence intervention with Per Herngren, non violent trainer and active within the plowshares movement, at the Novi Ritm house. The lectures focused mainly on tools to improve the democracy within meetings, how to approach problematic situations and how to intervene when a conflict arises. During the trainings the participants got a chanse to try out different non-violent methods by reenacting possible situations. For example how to repond to sexist comments or other discriminating acts. The participants from Novi ritm discussed how they could...

(English) How is Novi Ritm working with a Rights-Based Approach? (pt. 1)

By Johan Blomqvist, Centralasiengrupperna / Novi Ritm Osh, Kyrgyzstan Introduction On the 17th – 18th of April, 2015, Centralasiengrupperna’s partner organization ‘Novi Ritm’ in Osh, Southern Kyrgyzstan, held a two-day event informing about human rights. At the event, speakers from different organizations, such as OSCE, UNHCR and OCHCR, told about their work with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as their main tool. Since then there have been thoughts and discussions within Novi Ritm about what and how we could (and should) work with human rights. A springboard for the discussion has been the concept of a Rights-Based Approach...

(English) Comics workshop on Gender Issues in Osh

Novi Ritm in Osh hosted a unique two days workshop on how to create comics and share girls problems in a patriarchial society. Workshops were organized by four members of the Swedish feminist collective of cartoonists Dotterbolaget with the collaboration between Centralasiengrupperna. During the first day participants learnt basics of comic drawing and different methods. On the second day, girls depending on their interest and will, were divided into 4 small groups, where they created their own comics on themes such as: bride-kidnapping, street harassment, violence against women and stereotypes. “Girls group” played a big role in organizing the...

Centralasiendagarna 2015

Äntligen kan vi på Centralasiengrupperna bjuda in er till Centralasiendagarna igen! Den 22 och 24 maj kör vi och i år har vi flyttat till Stockholm och bjudit in internationella gäster. Vi kommer bjuda på panelsamtal, föredrag, utställning och filmvisning och samtidigt sprida information om Centralasien till både en bred allmänhet och för de redan invigda entusiasterna. Vi vill belysa en annars så obelyst region utifrån olika perspektiv. Språket för dagarna kommer vara engelska. Har du frågor kontakta [email protected] Fredag 22 maj 12.00-17.00 Kungliga Myntkabinettet Slottsbacken 6 Stora Rummet 12.00-13.00 Lunchmingel inklusive introduktion 13.00-14.30 Panelsamtal: Mänskliga Rättigheter i Kirgizistan...

Föredrag: Development in Urbanized Settings: A Study of Novostroikas in Bishkek

Centralasiengrupperna, in cooperation with the Social Sciences Student Union at Lund University, wants to welcome you to a lecture on Development in Urbanized Settings. Bermet Zhumakadyr kyzy from Bishkek will talk about the slum around Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek and how the situation is for the people living here. After the lecture there will be time for question and discussion. The lecture will be held in English. It will start at 18.00 at Samvetet, Paradisgatan 5S in Lund. We will serve coffee and cake! 🙂 For questions please contact Gustaf Sörnmo, 0736467661.  ...