Non-violence training in Osh

In June Centralasiengrupperna visited Novi Ritm in Osh for a week and hosted a training in non-violence intervention with Per Herngren, non violent trainer and active within the plowshares movement, at the Novi Ritm house. The lectures focused mainly on tools to improve the democracy within meetings, how to approach problematic situations and how to intervene when a conflict arises.

During the trainings the participants got a chanse to try out different non-violent methods by reenacting possible situations. For example how to repond to sexist comments or other discriminating acts. The participants from Novi ritm discussed how they could continue practicing non-violent training and got the chance to practice leading the exercises themselves.

The training week also included a brief lecture on gender studies held by Centralasiengrupperna, approaches to feminism and an historical overview of the movement presented by Alexandra Cruz.