(English) Part 2 on Democratization in Kyrgyzstan: Novi Ritm’s Contribution to Democratization of Kyrgyzstan

How can Novi Ritm be seen as contributing to the democratization process of Kyrgyzstan? In the last blog post, Perspectives on Democracy, I offered different conceptions of democracy and how the Central Asia Solidarity Groups (hereby abbreviated CAG) in particular understands the concepts of “democracy” and “democratization”. In this second and last blog post in the mini series, we will delve deeper into what actions CAG’s understanding of democracy and democratization leads them to take in Central Asia by analyzing how one of their main partners, the youth organization Novi Ritm in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, can be said to contribute...

(English) Part 1. Women’s Roles in the Construction of Identity in Kyrgyzstan: What is Kyrgyz National Identity?

Welcome to the first blogpost in the miniseries about the roles of women in Kyrgyz national identity! This post will be dedicated to clarify some concepts, such as national identity and gender, and shortly explain how and why they relate to each other. I will present a few theories of how national identity is constructed and maintained, to elaborate on my first out of three questions presented in my introductory post: What has been central in the construction of Kyrgyz national identity post-independence? What is National Identity? The understanding of a nation can be manifold. Several scholars from many...

(English) Introduction of the Intern Isabelle and Women’s Roles in the Construction of Identity in Kyrgyzstan

Hi everyone, My name is Isabelle Persson, and I am currently working in Southern Kyrgyzstan with Centralasiengrupperna’s main local partner Novi Ritm in Osh. At 25 years, I have managed to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at Malmö University, where I previously studied pedagogics and drama. I also studied abroad one semester in Melbourne, Australia, where I had the pleasure of not only enjoying the amazing culture of the First Peoples but also get out of my comfort zone and study Macroeconomics and International Business. My civil society engagement has largely been party political throughout...

Non-violence training in Osh

In June Centralasiengrupperna visited Novi Ritm in Osh for a week and hosted a training in non-violence intervention with Per Herngren, non violent trainer and active within the plowshares movement, at the Novi Ritm house. The lectures focused mainly on tools to improve the democracy within meetings, how to approach problematic situations and how to intervene when a conflict arises. During the trainings the participants got a chanse to try out different non-violent methods by reenacting possible situations. For example how to repond to sexist comments or other discriminating acts. The participants from Novi ritm discussed how they could...

(English) How is Novi Ritm working with a Rights-Based Approach? (pt. 1)

By Johan Blomqvist, Centralasiengrupperna / Novi Ritm Osh, Kyrgyzstan Introduction On the 17th – 18th of April, 2015, Centralasiengrupperna’s partner organization ‘Novi Ritm’ in Osh, Southern Kyrgyzstan, held a two-day event informing about human rights. At the event, speakers from different organizations, such as OSCE, UNHCR and OCHCR, told about their work with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as their main tool. Since then there have been thoughts and discussions within Novi Ritm about what and how we could (and should) work with human rights. A springboard for the discussion has been the concept of a Rights-Based Approach...

(English) Comics workshop on Gender Issues in Osh

Novi Ritm in Osh hosted a unique two days workshop on how to create comics and share girls problems in a patriarchial society. Workshops were organized by four members of the Swedish feminist collective of cartoonists Dotterbolaget with the collaboration between Centralasiengrupperna. During the first day participants learnt basics of comic drawing and different methods. On the second day, girls depending on their interest and will, were divided into 4 small groups, where they created their own comics on themes such as: bride-kidnapping, street harassment, violence against women and stereotypes. “Girls group” played a big role in organizing the...

Till Kirgizistan – Sista delen

“Kirgizistan har, annat än som stopp på landvägen hem från Kina, aldrig riktigt varit en del av min världsbild.” Det var de första orden jag skrev i den här korta bloggserien. Att läsa de där initiala raderna känns en aningen absurt i dag, när jag mer än någonsin har Kirgizistan som en konstant i min underliggande världsbild. Nu vet jag liksom vad Kumys är, jag har sett hur kirgisiska politiker spelar på etniska spänningar för att skapa en nationsbild, jag har druckit maksym eller schoro som vi kallar det(men som egentligen bara är en metonymi av företaget schoro), jag har...

Till Kirgizistan – del 3

Det här börjar långsamt, är långt, det är mitt fel, jag svajar i orden, men det har en poäng. För er som inte orkar ta er genom historien fram till slutet rekommenderar jag att bara hoppa direkt ner till fotnoten. För er andra. Grattis. Ni visar prov på tålamod. Så till skott…  Vi kom till sist fram, efter många om och men ska jag kanske säga, till Kirgizistan. Att sätta sig på planet, känna att vingarna fick luft och hjulen lyfta från marken, var en lättnad, efter meddelanden som; ”trubbel i paradiset, ringer sen” Blir det förseningar? Ett avhopp i trion...

Till Kirgizistan – del 2

Jag hade aldrig satt min fot i Centralasien innan jag fick förfrågan att följa med till CAG’s aktivitetshus i Osj. Att resa till Kirgizistan var något jag tänkt på några gånger när jag bodde i Kina och såg över gränsen mellan Xinjiang och Kirgizistan. Men även när möjligheten fanns så pass nära, kändes det där bergiga landet som en avlägsen plats, långt borta. Vad skulle jag göra där? Vad pratar det(landet) för språk? Varför? Hur? Frågor som lätt uppstår när man funderar att ta sig ut på äventyr. Frågor som jag då inte riktigt kunde svara på. Därför blev...