[English] Residence for Climate activist in Kyrgyzstan

Central Asia Solidarity Groups (Centralasiengrupperna) is co-organizing an activist residency in Kyrgyzstan, together with the youth organization Novi Ritm. The residence will take place during 2 weeks in November, primarily based in the southern city of Osh with Novi Ritm as the hosting organization. We are currently looking for suitable candidates for this residence.

During the residence the activist will work closely with Novi Ritm and conduct a series of activities, including lectures, workshops, planning sessions and meetings. As Novi Ritm and its young members and volunteers are rather new to the thematic areas of environment and climate, the activist will need to expand the knowledge base of participants regarding topics such as the historical origins of the climate crisis, the socio-economic-political explanations of our current global challenges to cut emissions and transition to sustainable societies, and to some extent solutions and necessary actions. The residence will also explore potential grassroots approaches to dealing with the crisis: i.e. organizing, public mobilizations, different forms of activism, resistance, campaigning, nonviolence and civil disobedience. Novi Ritm is interested in starting work in the area of climate and environment, so the residence will also provide a ground to launch various initiatives based on the local or national context.

It is a requirement that you have…

– Experience of climate or environmental activism
– Experience of hosting lectures and workshops
– Experience of working with youth
– Fluent English skills


It is a merit if you have…
– Knowledge of the Central Asian or broader post-Soviet context
– Experience of non-formal learning methodologies
– Russian or Kyrgyz language skills
– Academic studies related to the thematic profile of the residence


The residence will be fully covered by Centralasiengrupperna, which includes international travel, visas, insurances, accommodation and per diems. There will also be a small remuneration to the activist. Prior to departure the activist will get training on the local context and security, as well as to get in touch with the coordinators in Novi Ritm. The exact dates of the residence will be decided together with Novi Ritm.


The application process
We apply a non-discriminatory, competency-based recruitment method. Instead of CV and personal letter, all applicants answer the same questions, and the application form is completely anonymous.
To apply for the residence fill out this survey.
Deadline for applications is September 25 at 23.59. Then we select the most relevant applications and call them for a structured interview and possibly a work sample.

If you have any questions, please contact Gustaf Sörnmo, [email protected]