This summer, Central Asia Solidarity Group’s main partner organization Novi Ritm organized not one but two subsequent Human Rights Camp in Osh, Kyrgyzstan! Novi Ritm is a youth organization run by youth for youth, working with informal education about human rights, gender equality and conflict prevention, most of the time using peer-to-peer methods. The camps were held within the framework of a common project Novi Ritm and Central Asia Solidarity Groups has for 2018-2019. It aims at increasing the knowledge and awareness about human rights among youth in Southern Kyrgyzstan on both a social and legislative level, and strengthening...
Del 2 av Street fashion i Osh, Kirgizistan
Fortsättning på del 1 av street fashion-projektet som utfördes hösten 2016 i Osh, Kirgizistan (se föregående bloggpost). Aigerim, 20 Aigerim studerar medicin och kommer bli utbildad läkare i framtiden. Hon vill resa och nämner Ryssland, England, Tyskland och Förenade Arabemiraterna som destinationer hon mycket väl kan tänka sig resa till. Till framtidsplanerna hör att bli en bra läkare med egen klinik i Tyskland. De största problemen i Kirgizistan är korruption, brist på pengar och att människor inte är utbildade, menar Aigerim. Aiperi, 20 Aiperi studerar medicin på universitetet och kommer från början från staden Jalal-Abad. Ganska omgående kommer...
Del 1 av Street fashion i Osh, Kirgizistan
Det här projektet utfördes av mig, Josefin, som var en av Centralasiengruppernas utsända praktikanter hösten 2016. Projektet startades ur min nyfikenhet på vad unga kvinnor i Kirgizistan anser vara viktigt i livet. De unga kvinnor som kommer till tals i projektet kan enligt mig ge en intressant ögonblicksbild av det kirgiziska samhället idag. Genom att kalla projektet ett “street fashion-projekt” skapade jag ett icke-skrämmande sätt att närma mig vanliga unga kvinnor på gatan för att starta en konversation om deras vardag, drömmar och problem. Min uppfattning är att kvinnor i den delen av världen där Centralasien återfinns tenderar att...
(English) Part 2 on Democratization in Kyrgyzstan: Novi Ritm’s Contribution to Democratization of Kyrgyzstan
How can Novi Ritm be seen as contributing to the democratization process of Kyrgyzstan? In the last blog post, Perspectives on Democracy, I offered different conceptions of democracy and how the Central Asia Solidarity Groups (hereby abbreviated CAG) in particular understands the concepts of “democracy” and “democratization”. In this second and last blog post in the mini series, we will delve deeper into what actions CAG’s understanding of democracy and democratization leads them to take in Central Asia by analyzing how one of their main partners, the youth organization Novi Ritm in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, can be said to contribute...
(English) Part 1 on Democratization in Kyrgyzstan: Perspectives on Democracy
What is democratization? How does it come about? How does Central Asia Solidarity Groups view democratization in general and in Kyrgyzstan in particular? All over the globe, people tend to have a love-hate relationship to the word “democracy”. It might be the most frequently used word in political speech. It might also be the most unclear word in political speech. The sibling of the word, “democratization”, which tries to capture the process with which any given entity is said to be moving towards what is called democracy, is arguably even more difficult to grasp. Since I like drama, this...
(English) Introduction of the intern Josefin and the mini series of blogposts on democratization in Kyrgyzstan
My name is Josefin and I am one of two interns from Sweden sent by Centralasiengrupperna to Osh, Kyrgyzstan to work with their main partner – the youth organization Novi Ritm. Novi Ritm is run by seven young Kyrgyz persons together with a group of young volunteers and aims at encouraging active civic participation of youth in southern Kyrgyzstan....