Centralasiengrupperna actively works within the thematic fields of gender, democratic youth organizing, climate, conflict transformation and provides capacity-building activities for partner organizations from Central Asia as well as partners from Russia that closely work with Central Asia. Russia remains the main destination for immigrants from all over the former Soviet Union, especially for people from Central Asia who migrate to Russia every year in search of work. 145,000 people from Central Asian became full-fledged citizens of the Russian Federation in 2020. The research of the Higher School of Economics shows that there are more than 60 000 of...
Central Asia and Migration: a Look into the Largest Migration Flow in Eurasia [explainer clip]
In today’s world, human migration is a global concern. Migration can be defined as a process of moving from one location to another for economic, socio-demographic, cultural and historical, infrastructural and geographic and political factors. In other words, migration is one of the strategies people use in response to various societal turn of events. In this globalized world, the US, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, and countries of European Union attract people from all over the world who are in search of better life opportunities and/or who are in need of a safe refuge outside of their places of...
Centralasiendagarna 2015
Äntligen kan vi på Centralasiengrupperna bjuda in er till Centralasiendagarna igen! Den 22 och 24 maj kör vi och i år har vi flyttat till Stockholm och bjudit in internationella gäster. Vi kommer bjuda på panelsamtal, föredrag, utställning och filmvisning och samtidigt sprida information om Centralasien till både en bred allmänhet och för de redan invigda entusiasterna. Vi vill belysa en annars så obelyst region utifrån olika perspektiv. Språket för dagarna kommer vara engelska. Har du frågor kontakta [email protected] Fredag 22 maj 12.00-17.00 Kungliga Myntkabinettet Slottsbacken 6 Stora Rummet 12.00-13.00 Lunchmingel inklusive introduktion 13.00-14.30 Panelsamtal: Mänskliga Rättigheter i Kirgizistan...