Central Asia Solidarity Groups have launched a new digital role-play game on human rights issues in Central Asia. The plot of this interactive game is built around storylines and different case studies which present players with background information about the topic. There are four storylines representing particular groups and their struggles: LGBTQ+ person from rural area Female eco-activists Non-binary persons Persons with mental illnesses Through the game the participants put themselves in the shoes of an assigned character and make decisions based on the given options and context, once they reach the final destination they will be provided with...
[English] LGBT activist is charged for organising peaceful photo session in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan: Zhanar Sekerbaeva, prominent LGBT activist from Kazakhstan and co-founder of feminist initiative Feminita, based in Almaty, was detained on Wednesday, August 14, 2018. According to Feminita, Zhanar, together with Elena Ivanova, Alina Nevidimko and Polina Pollinium, organized photo session at Arbat street in Almaty on August 9th, 2018, dedicated to de-stigmatization of menstruation that attracted a lot of attention both online and during the session itself. Despite that the photo session was peaceful, it was interrupted by men, who pulled out posters in aggressive manner and threatened to take away mobile phone from one of the participant. The...
“HBTQ-personer i Kasakstan är diskriminerade på väldigt många nivåer i samhället”
Det har varit ett hektiskt år för Zhanar Sekerbayeya. Nyligen blev hon och hennes kollegor på Kasakstan Feminist Initative «Feminita» klara med de 228 enkäterna och 43 intervjuerna som gjorts med lesbiska, transexuella och queerpersoner i Kasakstan de senaste två åren. – Det brukar sägas att det inte finns några lesbiska kvinnor i Kasakstan. Nu har vi motbeviset och här är även deras behovsanalys, säger hon....