During summer 2020, CAG ran several workshops on Methodology Development with civil society organizations from Central Asia. The workshops in Kyrgyzstan took place in person, while the workshops with organisations in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were held online. The organizations were chosen based on their area of focus, which was in line with one or more of CAG’s thematic areas democratic youth organizing, gender equality, climate and environment as well as conflict transformation.
The workshop data, together with data from three environmental organizations that a board member collected during a study visit to Central Asia in March 2020, was analyzed and turned into the publication Pathways of Change – How Partners Envision the Future, which purpose is to better understand how the organizations work with the theory of change and what commonalities as well as differences there are to the way they work. The publication is also thought to function as a helpful tool for organizations, both the participating ones and other members of their networks, in guiding them towards identifying their baseline and what they wish to achieve by their proposed activities and interventions.
CAG focuses on capacity building and knowledge exchange with partner organizations, all in line with the organizational vision of creating a vibrant civil society in Central Asia.