What is democratization? How does it come about? How does Central Asia Solidarity Groups view democratization in general and in Kyrgyzstan in particular? All over the globe, people tend to have a love-hate relationship to the word “democracy”. It might be the most frequently used word in political speech. It might also be the most unclear word in political speech. The sibling of the word, “democratization”, which tries to capture the process with which any given entity is said to be moving towards what is called democracy, is arguably even more difficult to grasp. Since I like drama, this...
(English) Women, Peace and Security in Southern Kyrgyzstan – About Novi Ritm’s Project 1325
Kyrgyzstan is considered the most progressive and democratic out of the five post-Soviet Central Asian republics. However, in regards to the realization of women’s rights and human security, the Kyrgyz republic struggles. Since independence three violent conflicts have occurred, the latest in the Osh region of Southern Kyrgyzstan in 2010. These outbreaks of violence have given strength to two trends of nationalism and retraditionalization, which continues to severely limit women’s freedom and control over their own lives. For example, according to the latest National Review of the Kyrgyz Republic in the framework of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for...
CAG-utställning Aktivism, civilsamhälle och rättighetsarbete i Kirgizistan nu på Sverigeturné!
Det har varit en rejäl resa. Efter vi fick ekonomiska medel av Forum Syd i början av året, träffat många olika civilsamhällsaktörer i Kirgizistan och utvecklat ett visuellt koncept under sommaren, är CAGs utställning Aktivism, civilsamhälle och rättighetsarbete i Kirgizistan äntligen på turné genom Sverige! Turnén fick en framgångsrik lansering på Frilagret i Göteborg, en livlig mötesplats för unga på centrala Järntorget. Sedan dess har den flyttat till Malmö där den just nu visas på Stadsbiblioteket i den fina nya inglasade delen Ljusets kalender. Senare denna månad kommer utställningen även visas på Malmös unika oberoende Biograf Panora, innan den...