Strategic Resource Fund

Strategic Resource Fund

Central Asia Solidarity Groups have launched the Strategic Resource Fund to support civil society actors in Central Asia. It aims to provide resources for civil society actors in Central Asia for strategic interventions in their respective contexts. The fund primarily focuses on financial resources, but can also provide various forms of capacity building, international networks, and partnerships, long-term funding schemes etc.  An applicant has to meet the following criteria have to be fulfilled for applicants and ideas to be eligible:

1. Level of strategic relevance. As the name of the fund makes clear, the strategic component is a key aspect. Applications can be strategic in different ways:
a) when resources are used for activities and/or actors that are not able to obtain funding from mainstream donors. The fund can thus contribute to introducing new approaches, interventions, methodologies etc. that are innovative in the Central Asian context and functions as a strategic asset for actors that want to work outside of the dominant development discourses;
b) when resources are used strategically to cover the gap in funding of the applicant, i.e. co-funding, which is hard to fundraise independently.
2. Actorship. Eligible actors include NGOs, CSOs, networks and movements, activist groups, and individual activists. The fund generally prioritizes grassroots actors, rather than more established NGOs.

The deadline to submit applications is September 23rd, 2020, 17.00 CEST. All applications are to be sent electronically in PDF format to [email protected] named “Strategic Resource Fund application”. We will get in touch with relevant applicants within 1-2 weeks after the final deadline. Please consult “Background and Instructions” document for more details about the grant and application process.

Background and instructions eng
Project application form smaller grants eng
Reporting form smaller grants eng
Reporting form standard grant eng
Application questions Standard Grant eng
Budget instructions and budget form smaller grant eng
Budget instructions and budget form standard grant eng

Инструкции_по_бюджету_для_малых_грантов ru
Инструкции_по_бюджету_для_Стандартного_Гранта ru
Вопросы _отчетности_для_малого_гранта ru
Вопросы_отчетности_Стандартный_Грант ru
Заявка_на_стандартный_грант_рус ru