För en månad sen blev projektet ”40 Kirgiziska Kvinnor – Från då till nu” (”40 Women of Kyrgyzstan – From Past to Present”) tillgängligt online via vår hemsida. Sedan dess har nyheten om projektet spridits i olika sociala medier och artiklar. Bland annat skrev Osj-baserade Florian Coppenrath en artikel om projektet på tyska och franska, men trots att den ursprungliga målgruppen var svensk allmänhet har material på svenska uteblivit. Detta ska vi ändra på från och med idag! Den här texten kommer ge en introduktion till projektet och dess olika kanaler. Här kommer vi att ta upp projektets ursprung,...
Part 2. Women’s Roles in the Construction of Identity in Kyrgyzstan: Ideas and Expectations of Women
Welcome to the second blogpost in the miniseries about the roles of women in Kyrgyz national identity! In the first blogpost, I introduced and elaborated on concepts such as national identity. Ethnicity, religion, and nomadism are all important, yet in very different ways, in Kyrgyzstani identity. In this part, I will continue to elaborate on how these are part in shaping ideas and expectations of Kyrgyz women, and how this might have an impact on women’s situation in Kyrgyzstan today. Because of rather limited space, much will be generalized, thus I want to highlight that there exists multiple dimensions...
Part 1. Women’s Roles in the Construction of Identity in Kyrgyzstan: What is Kyrgyz National Identity?
Welcome to the first blogpost in the miniseries about the roles of women in Kyrgyz national identity! This post will be dedicated to clarify some concepts, such as national identity and gender, and shortly explain how and why they relate to each other. I will present a few theories of how national identity is constructed and maintained, to elaborate on my first out of three questions presented in my introductory post: What has been central in the construction of Kyrgyz national identity post-independence? What is National Identity? The understanding of a nation can be manifold. Several scholars from many...
Women, Peace and Security in Southern Kyrgyzstan – About Novi Ritm’s Project 1325
Kyrgyzstan is considered the most progressive and democratic out of the five post-Soviet Central Asian republics. However, in regards to the realization of women’s rights and human security, the Kyrgyz republic struggles. Since independence three violent conflicts have occurred, the latest in the Osh region of Southern Kyrgyzstan in 2010. These outbreaks of violence have given strength to two trends of nationalism and retraditionalization, which continues to severely limit women’s freedom and control over their own lives. For example, according to the latest National Review of the Kyrgyz Republic in the framework of the Beijing Declaration and Platform...
Introduction of the Intern Isabelle and Women’s Roles in the Construction of Identity in Kyrgyzstan
Hi everyone, My name is Isabelle Persson, and I am currently working in Southern Kyrgyzstan with Centralasiengrupperna’s main local partner Novi Ritm in Osh. At 25 years, I have managed to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at Malmö University, where I previously studied pedagogics and drama. I also studied abroad one semester in Melbourne, Australia, where I had the pleasure of not only enjoying the amazing culture of the First Peoples but also get out of my comfort zone and study Macroeconomics and International Business. My civil society engagement has largely been party political...