Greetings from Osh!

The picture features Johanna (on the left) and Susanna next to her on top of the sacred mountain Sulaiman Too in Osh We are Johanna and Susanna, and we are doing a two-month residency at Centralasiengrupperna’s partner organisation Novi Ritm. We have now been in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, for three weeks. From the beginning, we have been impressed by the impactful and important work of Novi Ritm. It is inspiring that the organisation is almost entirely run by youth (and for youth), working with a holistic set of strategies to make an impact. These include lectures, outreach and providing a...

Permaculture in practice – visit to Kyrgyzstan

In June 2024, Jona Elfdahl and Etta Säfve, permaculturalists and artists at Gylleboverket, traveled to Kyrgyzstan to meet CAG’s local partner, El Too, and visit permaculture projects in the northern region of the country. Read their story below. The snow-capped mountain peaks surround us as we lie in the waters of the turquoise lake. Soon the sun will set, and we will settle into the yurt that will be our home for a few days during our two-week stay in Kyrgyzstan. We are here to visit and exchange experiences and knowledge with seven different sites that have started transitioning...